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Oh Chanukah

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Key of D Minor

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Key of Gb Minor
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Oh Chanukah


Original Key: D Minor MP3

Oh Chanukah, klezmer style, featuring clarinet and violin, plus rhythm section. A Jewish holiday favorite for kids and adults alike.

ID: #1045
Categories: Holiday Music > Chanukah


O Chanukah! O Chanukah!
Come light the menorah.
Let's have a party;
We'll all dance the horah!
Gather 'round the table,
We'll give you a treat.
Sivivon to play with,
And latkes to eat.

And while we are playing,
The candles are burning low.
One for each night,
They shed a sweet light
To remind us of days long ago.
One for each night,
They shed a sweet light
To remind us of days long ago.

Guide vocal performed by Melissa Guiley.